楼主: ypm968

[原创] 股市诊脉 6-2-2010 by 游击队长

发表于 2010-6-2 08:29 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-6-2 08:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-2 08:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-2 08:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  ypm968


房市第二条腿是肯定的 ...
AGA7d 发表于 2010-6-2 22:11


Mortgage default会造成credit score大幅降低, credit card公司马上会cut credit line甚至cancel信用卡, 重新租房也要花钱, 信用不好就意味着买不了大宗商品或者利息比别人高出很多。 银行坏账增加, 就会cut lending, 下场就是second credit crunch. 现在有很多人选择strategic default, 这绝对不是什么好现象,这是对contract和信用制度的挑战, 对社会造成的影响要远远大于credit crunch. 口说无凭,要白纸黑字, 如果连白纸黑字变成什么都不是,那就世界大乱了。
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2010-6-2 08:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-2 09:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-2 09:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-2 10:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-2 10:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AGA7d 于 2010-6-3 00:14 编辑
"房市第二条腿是肯定的,但这应该是利好,原因我也扯过,拿交房贷的钱去过日子,对大经济是利大于 ...
ypm968 发表于 2010-6-2 22:49



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发表于 2010-6-2 10:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-2 10:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-2 10:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-2 11:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ypm968 于 2010-6-3 03:03 编辑
信用卡坏账已持续下降(所有信用卡公司),对银行来说,没有理由因为欠房贷而取消一个人的信用卡,如果 ...
AGA7d 发表于 2010-6-3 00:11

信用卡坏账已持续下降, 主要是因为房价回稳,破产的人少了。Mortgage default会造成credit score大幅降低, credit card公司马上会cut credit line甚至cancel信用卡,这不是假设,这是事实。 美国人都是靠credit card消费,平均每个家庭欠款$8000, 降低credit line就等于降低购买力。 即使房贷和房租差额那部分额钱,也要用来还银行的欠款,除非申请破产,否则欠银行的钱还是要还的。

“银行是输家,但银行因高利息差已经开始修养生息了,所以大银行生存不成问题;两房也是输家,大概国会还会继续填窟窿。” 生存不成问题,不代表愿意放贷,银行因高利息差已经开始修养生息了, 为什么还要冒险。

房市二次探底 = more bankruptcies = more bad loans = less lending = businesses can't borrow money = 2nd. credit crunch.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2010-6-2 11:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2010-6-3 12:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
"房市二次探底 = more bankruptcies = more bad loans = less lending = businesses can't borrow money = 2nd. credit crunch."

I think you got the lending picture wrong.

The less lending is more related to demand (or qualified borrowings), not supply. It is not business cannot borrow money, it is that they are very careful not taking excessive debt. During previous credit crunch, a lot of banks are mired in bad loans and they don't have ability to lend before they clean their books. Now the situation is quite different. Banks have plenty of capital to lend but the demand is not quite there (you can google to see if it is the case). Most companies have significantly reduced their debt. Fink of Blackrock said "U.S. companies have built cash reserves and manufacturers are returning to health". There won't be another credit-crunch.

US Small Business Borrowing Rose in April
Published: Tuesday, 1 Jun 2010 | 5:42 AM ET

U.S. small businesses are borrowing more than they were at the depths of the recession, but their appetite for loans remains poor, data released by PayNet Inc on Tuesday showed.

The Thomson Reuters/PayNet Small Business Lending Index, which measures the overall volume of financing to U.S. small businesses, jumped 12 percent in April from a year ago, PayNet said.

But the index, which sank about 1 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from the prior month, is still more than 20 percent below its January, 2005 level.

The hesitation that small businesses still have about taking on new debt suggests the economic recovery may not be running on all cylinders.

With small businesses holding back on new investments, economic recovery is "on a plodding road," said Bill Phelan, PayNet's president and founder.

"We're just not seeing the aggressive expansion in the small business economy that we really need to see to get job growth going," Phelan said in an interview. "The growth rates are not as high as we thought that they could be coming out of the recession."

The April reading was 78.4, down from 79.0 in March. The index registered 100 in January, 2005.

In a bright sidelight to sluggish loan demand, data released by PayNet on Tuesday also showed that fewer companies are falling behind on their existing loan payments.

Accounts in moderate delinquency, or those behind by 30 days or more, fell in April to 3.35 percent from 3.83 percent in March, PayNet said Tuesday.

Nearly all lenders saw more on-time repayments, driven by improvements in the transportation and construction industries, Phelan said.

"These small businesses are getting their financial house in order," Phelan said.

Accounts 90 days or more behind in payment, or in severe delinquency, fell to 1.21 percent in April from 1.29 percent in March.

Accounts behind 180 days or more, or in default and unlikely to ever get paid, fell to 0.92 percent of total receivables in April, from 0.94 percent in March, according to PayNet, which provides risk-management tools to the commercial lending industry.

The Thomson Reuters/PayNet small business lending index is correlated to developments in the overall economy, with changes in the index preceding changes in the overall U.S. economy by two to five months.

PayNet collects real-time loan information, such as originations and delinquencies, from more than 200 leading U.S. capital equipment lenders.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-3 12:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
"房市二次探底 = more bankruptcies = more bad loans = less lending = businesses can't borrow money =  ...
AGA7d 发表于 2010-6-3 02:33

你timing搞错了, 你说的是现在。 我说的是未来如果房市二次探底 会发生的情况。
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2010-6-3 05:35 AM | 显示全部楼层
我做短期的swing trade, 这个系统比较适合我。 我还看很多 ...
ypm968 发表于 2010-6-2 21:28

    队长可不可以讲一下常用的一些indicator. 谢谢
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2010-6-3 05:52 AM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-3 06:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-3 07:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
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