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What is HIIT and what are its benefits?

发表于 2023-2-7 01:56 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本帖最后由 ranchgirl 于 2023-2-7 04:17 PM 编辑

What is HIIT and what are its benefits?

You have most likely heard someone talking about HIIT at the gym or came across it during an online search for workouts, and you probably asked yourself “what is HIIT?”

HIIT has become increasingly popular, as more people are looking for effective workouts that they can fit into their lifestyle. We have all had that classic workout thought process at some point or another: ‘Can I realistically fit this into my day?’ or ‘I need X amount of time to get to the gym, X amount of time to workout, X amount of time to clean up, and X amount of time to get home. I just don’t have the time’.

HIIT gives you the flexibility to be active and get healthy when and where you can, all tied up in an efficient and effective workout. So, what does HIIT mean? When talking about HIIT workout, a definition is a must. Let’s go on to find out.

What is HIIT workout and what does HIIT mean
Let’s define HIIT first. High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is a type of workout that consists of short periods of intense exercise that get your heart rate up quickly between intervals of less intense exercise or complete rest. It is more exhaustive than traditional workouts and requires longer recovery periods in between, in terms of both rests between intervals and the workouts themselves.

How does HIIT work?
Typically, a HIIT workout will last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, should be done at a maximum of 1-3 days per week, and can be completed with or without equipment. You have the flexibility to choose which activity to do, including: sprinting, swimming, biking, group fitness classes, jump roping or doing body weight exercises. The intensity level of the activity you choose will determine the duration of the activity as well as the length of the recovery period.

An example of a HIIT workout that you can do anywhere, without machines is a ‘walk and sprint’. For beginners, start out with a 30 second walk, and then sprint for 30 seconds. Repeat for about 8-10 times and that’s your workout. The further you progress, the more you can repeat the rounds or complete it on an incline.

Now that we gave you the HIIT definition, keep reading to find out the benefits of this kind of training and why HIIT works.

What are the benefits of HIIT?
Benefits of exercise in general include: increased energy levels, improved sleep quality, happier state of being, reduced heart rate and blood pressure, reduced risk of chronic disease, reduced blood sugar and insulin resistance, and improved health overall.

HIIT in particular is an effective workout for those who want to get active and healthy, but don’t have the time in their schedule for lengthy workouts. It is an effective time saver and workout.

HIIT also has a number of unique benefits, such as:

You can do a HIIT workout anywhere
What is hiit workout: benefitsYou can do a HIIT workout on the go while traveling, or when you are simply pinched for time and space. Plus, if you don’t particularly enjoy going to the gym, whether it be for the cost, comfort level you have there or something else, a HIIT workout gives you the flexibility to get an effective workout in a place of your choosing.

You can fit a HIIT workout into your day
Since most HIIT workouts take 10-30 minutes to complete, it is much easier to fit into your day. You just might be more motivated to get it done and less inclined to use the excuse of time knowing that it will be done much quicker than a traditional workout.

You can adapt HIIT to your fitness level and medical conditions
Since HIIT can be low impact up to high impact, you can adapt and modify your workout. As you progress in your fitness level, you can add in more repetitions, utilize weights to increase difficulty, or add in some new exercises.

Why High Intensity Interval Training works?
You can increase your anaerobic capacity and aerobic capacity
Your anaerobic capacity is the extra work your body can do even when not receiving enough oxygen. Your aerobic capacity refers to the ability of your heart and lungs to get oxygen to your muscles. Paced jogging, a traditional form of exercising, compared to a HIIT workout, for example, increases only your aerobic capacity. For your total health, you want to increase both your anaerobic capacity and your aerobic capacity, making a HIIT workout an effective one to do so.

You can burn more calories and elevate your metabolic rate
You can burn more calories during a HIIT workout than a traditional one, or burn the same amount in less time. Due to HIIT’s ability to elevate your metabolic rate for hours after you exercise, you also burn calories after you exercise.

You can burn fat even after you complete your HIIT workout
You burn fat 9 times faster after a HIIT workout due to your increased oxygen consumption. It was traditionally thought that only long sessions at a steady rate were required to improve oxygen consumption, which is your muscles’ ability to use oxygen. Since you also boost your metabolism during a workout, you can burn more fat than you would with a standard cardio workout.

HIIT workouts can reduce total fat, and increase fat free mass and aerobic power. One study found significant changes in people performing high-intensity intermittent exercise three times per week, 20 min per session, for 12 weeks – without dietary changes. For the intervention (exercising) group, aerobic power improved, significant weight loss of 1.5 kg was experienced, total fat mass of 2 kg was reduced, and there was a 17% of reduction in visceral fat. By week 6, waist circumference was significantly decreased.

As with any new program or exercise regime, if you want to get started with High Intensity Interval Training, consult with your doctor before getting started. You’ll want to be absolutely sure that it is safe for you.
 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-7 01:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-7 01:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-7 02:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ranchgirl 于 2023-2-7 02:10 PM 编辑

什么是 HIIT,它有什么好处?

您很可能在健身房听到有人谈论 HIIT 或在网上搜索锻炼时偶然发现它,您可能会问自己“什么是 HIIT?”

HIIT 越来越受欢迎,因为越来越多的人正在寻找适合他们生活方式的有效锻炼。 我们都曾在某个时刻经历过那种经典的锻炼思维过程:“我可以现实地适应我的一天吗?”或者“我需要 X 时间去健身房,X 时间锻炼,X 数量 打扫卫生的时间,以及回家的 X 时间。 我只是没有时间’。

HIIT 让您可以灵活地随时随地保持活跃并保持健康,所有这些都与高效且有效的锻炼联系在一起。 那么,HIIT 是什么意思? 在谈论 HIIT 锻炼时,必须有一个定义。 让我们继续找出答案。

什么是 HIIT 锻炼以及 HIIT 意味着什么
让我们先定义 HIIT。 高强度间歇训练或 HIIT 是一种锻炼,由短时间的高强度运动组成,可以让您在低强度运动或完全休息的间隔之间快速加快心率。 它比传统锻炼更详尽,并且需要更长的恢复期,包括间歇休息和锻炼本身。

HIIT 是如何工作的?
通常,HIIT 锻炼将持续 10 到 30 分钟,每周最多进行 1-3 天,并且可以在有或没有设备的情况下完成。 您可以灵活选择要进行的活动,包括:短跑、游泳、骑自行车、团体健身课程、跳绳或进行体重锻炼。 您选择的活动强度级别将决定活动的持续时间以及恢复期的长度。

您可以在任何地方进行且无需机器的 HIIT 锻炼的一个示例是“步行和冲刺”。 对于初学者,先步行 30 秒,然后冲刺 30 秒。 重复大约 8-10 次,这就是您的锻炼。 你进步得越远,你就越能重复这些回合或在斜坡上完成它。

既然我们已经为您提供了 HIIT 定义,请继续阅读以找出这种训练的好处以及 HIIT 有效的原因。

HIIT 有什么好处?

HIIT 特别适合那些想要变得活跃和健康,但又没有时间进行长时间锻炼的人。 这是一种有效的节省时间和锻炼的方法。

HIIT 还有许多独特的好处,例如:

您可以在任何地方进行 HIIT 锻炼
什么是 HIIT 锻炼:好处您可以在旅途中进行 HIIT 锻炼,或者当您只是时间和空间紧张时。 另外,如果您不是特别喜欢去健身房,无论是出于费用、那里的舒适度还是其他原因,HIIT 锻炼都能让您灵活地在自己选择的地方进行有效的锻炼。

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-7 02:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
您可以将 HIIT 锻炼融入您的一天
由于大多数 HIIT 锻炼需要 10-30 分钟才能完成,因此更容易适应您的一天。 你可能更有动力去完成它,而不太愿意以时间为借口,因为你知道它会比传统锻炼更快地完成。

您可以根据您的健身水平和医疗条件调整 HIIT
由于 HIIT 可以从低冲击到高冲击,您可以调整和修改您的锻炼。 随着您的健身水平的提高,您可以增加更多的重复次数,利用重量来增加难度,或者添加一些新的练习。

您的无氧能力是您的身体即使在没有获得足够氧气的情况下也可以做的额外工作。 您的有氧能力是指您的心脏和肺部为肌肉输送氧气的能力。 例如,与 HIIT 锻炼相比,有节奏的慢跑是一种传统的锻炼方式,只会增加您的有氧运动能力。 为了您的整体健康,您希望增加无氧能力和有氧能力,使 HIIT 锻炼成为一种有效的锻炼方式。

在 HIIT 锻炼期间,您可以燃烧比传统锻炼更多的卡路里,或者在更短的时间内燃烧相同数量的卡路里。 由于 HIIT 能够在您运动后数小时内提高您的新陈代谢率,因此您在运动后也会燃烧卡路里。

即使在完成 HIIT 锻炼后,您也可以燃烧脂肪
由于耗氧量增加,HIIT 锻炼后脂肪燃烧速度提高了 9 倍。 传统上认为,只需要以稳定的速度进行长时间训练即可改善耗氧量,即肌肉使用氧气的能力。 由于您在锻炼期间还可以促进新陈代谢,因此与标准的有氧运动相比,您可以燃烧更多的脂肪。

HIIT 锻炼可以减少总脂肪,增加去脂质量和有氧能力。 一项研究发现,在不改变饮食的情况下,每周进行 3 次高强度间歇运动(每次 20 分钟,持续 12 周)的人会发生显着变化。 对于干预(运动)组,有氧能力得到改善,体重显着减轻 1.5 公斤,总脂肪量减少 2 公斤,内脏脂肪减少 17%。 到第 6 周,腰围明显减少。

对于任何新计划或锻炼方案,如果您想开始高强度间歇训练,请在开始前咨询您的医生。 您需要绝对确定它对您来说是安全的。
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