楼主: CoolMax

[基础分析] CREE 基本面分析及技术分析

发表于 2009-11-5 01:02 PM | 显示全部楼层

78# CoolMax


Can load some now?
superxy 发表于 2009-11-5 12:26

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-29 04:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-2 05:53 PM | 显示全部楼层

Cree introduces 186-lumen LED

本帖最后由 CoolMax 于 2009-12-2 17:55 编辑 A white-coloured LED developed by prominent manufacturer Cree has achieved "industry-best" results for efficiency.

The device can provide 186 lumens per watt at 350mA at room temperature, furthering the industrys quest to create an LED which reaches the same performance as less environmentally-friendly incandescent alternatives.

Although the device will not yet be added to the US companys range of commercial LEDs, it still offers previous breakthrough lighting solutions providing over 100 lumens per watt.

John Edmond, co-founder and director of advanced optoelectronics at Cree, said: "As energy efficiency becomes increasingly important in addressing … energy challenges, Cree is doing its best to deliver the most energy-efficient LED technology possible."

The US city of Boston recently demonstrated its commitment to using energy-efficient LEDs by placing the devices into streetlights in its main public park, Boston Common.

The area has had the environmentally-friendly lights installed to reduce the
greenhouse gas emissions created in the area as part of Crees national LED City programme.

Rapid Electronics is a leading UK supplier of LED products and optoelectronic components for industrial, educational and consumer applications.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-2 05:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-10 07:03 PM | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 CoolMax 于 2009-12-10 19:04 编辑 我国现有LED企业600余家,企业主要集中在下游封装和应用领域,国内从事LED上游外延片和中游芯片的企业大约在10余家。全球LED主要供应国和地区是日本、台湾、美国和欧洲,其中台湾、大陆和韩国等非日本亚洲地区是全球LED产业增长最快的地区。在整个照明领域,我国是世界照明电器第一大生产国、第二大出口国,半导体照明产业有很强的产业基础,因此未来我国LED将面临巨大的发展机遇。








图1 LED制程过程

图1 LED制程过程

表1 LED种类及应用

表1 LED种类及应用


图2 高亮度白光LED的产品应用

图2 高亮度白光LED的产品应用




   LED 作为LCD 的背光源,与传统背光技术相比,除了省电之外优势外,还有很多独特的优点:
  (1)LED 的使用寿命可长达10 万小时,大大延长了液晶电视的使用寿命;
  (2)LED 背光源有更好的色域,色彩还原好;
  (4)LED 背光可以灵活调整发光频率,而且频率大大高于CCFL,因此能完美地呈现运动画面;
  (8)供电模块的设计也颇为简单,使用5~24V 的低压电源,十分安全;
  (9)LED 光源没有任何射线产生,也没有水银之类的有毒物质,绿色环保。

   LED 作为LCD 的背光源,与传统背光技术相比,除了省电之外优势外,还有很多独特的优点:                      
上述数据测试于 2007 年8 月以前,随着LED 发光效率、亮度的提高,背光用LED 数量减少,目前功率已经低于CCFL 背光。最新的数据显示LED 背光笔记本比CCFL 背光笔记本功耗低40%,可延长电池续航时间1-1.5 倍。由于电池的正常充放电次数是500 次,这样续航时间提高也变相减少了电池充放电次数,相当于延长了电池寿命。

  厚度方面目前LED 背光笔记本的厚度也已经取得优势,以13.3 英寸白光LED 笔记本面板为例,厚度可以薄40%,重量可以轻20%。受下游笔记本厂商销售策略影响2008 年LED 普及未达预期,LED 在各方面都优于CCFL,但其价格高于后者。RGB LED 背光比CCFL 背光笔记本面板贵50 至80 美元;白光LED 价格比CCFL高出不到25 美元,但白光LED 对CCFL 优势会打折扣。目前市面上已经有多款LED 背光屏笔记本电脑,业内曾经预期2008 年LED 背光板会在NB 中大行其道,不过由于下游整机厂商2008 年仍然把LED 应用作为高端机型使用,其价格与普通笔记本的差额远远高过使用LED 背光源增加的成本。


   因此,下游笔记本的销售策略直接影响了LED 在笔记本中的渗透率,2007 年大约是3%,2008年是6%-8%。但这一状况有望在2009 年以后获得改观。原因一方面是LED 背光的不断成熟和下游笔记本电脑厂商已经开始改变销售策略。

  笔记本厂商销售策略2009 年明显变化,为促进LED 背光普及,戴尔公司表示,其15 英寸LED 背光液晶屏在最大亮度情况下比传统的CCFL 背光节能 43%。同时宣布,在未来 12 个月内,戴尔新款笔记本将全线换装 LED 背光液晶屏幕。除商务系列外,戴尔预计其全球笔记本总出货量的80%将在 2009 年底前实现标配 LED 背光,2010 年达到 100%。

  戴尔的这一举措表明 LED 已经不再作为概念机型或者说时尚机型,而是作为标准配置,其价格策略必然不再采取高端策略。戴尔作为行业内的领导厂商之一,其他公司必然跟进。因此2009 年LED 在笔记本的渗透率有望达到20%以上。2007年全球笔记本出货1.09 亿台,2008年增长15%,2009 年增长10%,则2009 年笔记本出货1.4 亿台,其中将有2800 万台使用LED,对LED 的需求量是70.3 亿粒。


表3 笔记本电脑对LED需求预测

  台式电脑显示器方面虽然 LED 替代的要求不像笔记本电脑那样迫切,但是LED 所带来的更完美的画质体验对消费者将是很大的诱惑,随着LED 成本的不断降低,其渗透率必然逐步提高。

表4 台式电脑液晶显示器对LED需求预测



  2008年全球LED市场规模约为69亿美元,其中高亮度和超高亮度LED 市场年平均增长率将达到20%左右,市场规模达16亿美元。在移动手机应用市场的快速推动下,过去10年高亮度LED市场的年均增长率达到46%。

  新兴应用市场如通用照明、汽车前灯、大屏幕LCD背光源等将成为高亮度LED市场增长的新动力,未来5年内高亮度LED 市场仍将成长一倍。未来景观照明和通用照明的LED市场增长速度最快,景观照明LED市场年增长率将达到50%,市场份额将从2003年的2%增加到2008年的8%。2004年通用照明LED的销售额是9400万美元,到2010年将增长到8.75亿美元,年均增长率将达到52.3%,届时LED将在全球120亿美元至140亿美元的照明市场占据重要的位置。


图3 全球LED市场增长趋势(十亿美元)



图4 高亮度LED未来5年复合增长率



表5 不同光源12寸NB背光模组成本比较


表6 各种背光模组之TFT面板报价


图5 LED背光模组未来需求巨大




   预计到2025年美国每年的电力消耗大约是52500亿度,以每度电零售价格0.07美元计算,消费者每年大约支付3500亿美元,因此使用LED照明每年可以节约用电5250亿度,消费者每年可以节约350亿美元。而对全球来说,这个数字将扩大3到4倍。美国一座核电站的年均发电量大约是720亿度(按每座1GW的发电容量,每年发电时间为365×24小时,发电小时利用率87%计算),节约5250 亿度意味着节约大约70座核电站的年发电量。


表7 白炽灯、荧光灯、LED三种照明技术对比


图6 LED效能的提升速度










回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-10 11:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
Very helpful, thanks.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-10 11:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-12-10 11:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
thanks very much!
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-12-10 11:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-12-10 11:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-14 04:45 PM | 显示全部楼层

bulbs.com Announces Distributorship of Cree LED Lighting

WORCESTER, Mass., Dec. 14


bulbs.com announced today that it has become an online distributor of Cree's LED lighting solutions.


With a strong history of creative innovation and market experience, Cree LED Lighting delivers highly efficient, long-lasting lighting products for residential, commercial, industrial and institutional applications.


"We're glad to be working with Cree to make this major addition to our LED lighting product selection," said Mike Connors, CEO of bulbs.com. "The Cree LR6, a 6-inch recessed downlight is the proven all-in-one solution for residential and business customers. Its turnkey installation is among the simplest on the market -- taking only minutes to install into an existing recessed lighting fixture.


LED replacement lighting has emerged as a great solution to help solve two of today's major concerns: rising energy costs and the need for a "greener" environment. Beginning earlier this year, bulbs.com has carefully reviewed and added over 75 LED products to its broad line of over 3,500 lighting products to help businesses and consumers.


"We continually strive to provide our customers with the most innovative and energy efficient lighting solutions, and we believe we have delivered again with the Cree LED lineup," Connors added.

回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-14 05:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
Down 1.5% AH, not sure what's going on.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-15 04:50 PM | 显示全部楼层

HB-LED Market Set to Explode

本帖最后由 CoolMax 于 2009-12-15 16:51 编辑

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- The High Brightness Light-Emitting Diode (HB LED) market is expected to soar as unit shipments more than double between 2009 and 2012.


While Japan is home to the word's largest HB LED manufacturer, as well as five of the world's top 10 HB LED suppliers, Cree(CREE Quote) is one of the largest.


LEDs are creating a niche market for conventional suppliers of semiconductor processing tools and a lucrative market for Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) suppliers. Veeco Instruments(VECO Quote), a leading supplier of MOCVD tools, notes in an investor presentation that a consensus of forecasts from six sell-side analysts forecasts a doubling in MOCVD demand, from 208 tools in 2009 to 415 tools in 2011.


This consensus forecast of 415 MOCVD tools represents a market of greater than $1 billion based on an average selling price of $2.5 million for each MOCVD tool.

MOCVD represents 8% of the typical cost breakdown for a packaged LED. Other front-end tools represent more than 3% of the cost and equates to an additional $500 million market for lithography and metrology tools from companies such as Ultratech(UTEK Quote) and KLA-Tencor(KLAC Quote).


On the materials side, subtrates represent 6% of the LED cost equating to a $750 million market. Rubicon Technology(RBCN Quote) is a leading provider of develops high-quality sapphire substrates for the LED industry.


The biggest sector of the LED manufacturing process is what's referred to as the back end such as substrate removal, chip separation, and packaging, and represents 65% of the cost.

Our analysis indicates that in 2009, each MOCVD tool was capable of processing about 30 million LEDs. In 2011, based on the same throughput, there will be a cumulative supply deficit of 15.5 million LED units, unless MOCVD equipment suppliers increase throughput and yields to reduce cost of ownership.


The U.S. DOE's Solid State Lighting Manufacturing Roadmap targets a factor of two improvement in cost-of-ownership for manufacturing equipment every five years. If suppliers are successful, enhancements in processing time, uniformity, repeatability, temperature control, and flow geometries will mitigate the supply deficit.


Clearly it is not within the best interests of MOCVD tool suppliers to improve cost of ownership as it will reduce sales. But competition is the key enabler, which will force suppliers to enhance their tool capabilities.


The HB LEDs are currently a $5 billion niche market compared to the $250 million semiconductor market. The backlight sectors will exhibit the fastest growth in the HB LED market with an overall compound annual growth rate of more than 40%, led by the LCD TV sector exhibiting a CAGR of 300.3% between 2007 and 2012.

回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-15 10:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-20 12:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-20 12:40 PM | 显示全部楼层

Cree triples its profits

本帖最后由 CoolMax 于 2010-1-20 11:44 编辑
- Staff Writer

Shares of LED lighting company Cree rose as much as 10 percent in after-hours trading Tuesday after the company posted quarterly results that left analysts' expectations in the dust.


"The results were spectacularly better than what we were looking for," Morgan Keegan & Co. analyst Harsh Kumar said.


Cree, which has its headquarters in Durham, also raised its guidance for the current quarter beyond the expectations of Wall Street analysts.


Cree reported after the markets closed Tuesday that its revenue rose 35 percent in the fiscal second quarter that ended Dec. 27 compared with a year earlier. Revenue totaled $199.5million; the consensus forecast among analysts was $187 million, according to Thomson Reuters.


Profits totaled $33.8 million, or 32 cents per share, triple its profit of a year ago. Profits excluding stock-based compensation and amortized goodwill was 38 cents per share, versus 30 cents per share projected by analysts.


Cree's light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, are used to illuminate car dashboards, cell phones, televisions and signs. But the company increasingly is focusing on energy-efficient interior and exterior lighting - it makes its own light fixtures and bulbs and supplies LEDs to lighting companies - and that small-but-rapidly-expanding market drove the company's sales growth, CEO Chuck Swoboda told analysts during a conference call.


Swoboda hailed Walmart's agreement to purchase Cree's LED bulbs for track lighting at 650 stores, a deal that was announced in November, as a milestone.


"We believe this announcement validates that LED lighting is ready for mainstream commercial applications," he said.

Earlier Tuesday, Cree shares rose 23 cents to close at $54.24. That was down from the company's 52-week-high of $59.41, recorded last week. But its shares rose above that mark in after-hours trading.


Last year, Cree shares rose 255 percent - more than any other major publicly traded company in the Triangle.

However, Cree shares have risen so high that in recent weeks some analysts have been downgrading the stock even as they raise their estimates for the company's performance.


"It has a pretty hefty valuation," said Kumar.


Even so, a dozen analysts rate Cree a buy, and 10 rate it a hold, according to Bloomberg News. Just three recommend selling the shares.

回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-20 12:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for sharing the info!
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-20 06:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
Cree's ($63.59, +$9.38, +17.30%) fiscal second-quarter profit tripled as the semiconductor and light-emitting-diode company continued to benefit from surging demand for LEDs. The company also projected fiscal third-quarter results above Wall Street expectations.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-20 06:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
Cree Brings the LED Lighting Revolution Home
Wednesday 01/20/2010 9:00 AM ET - Businesswire

Cree, Inc. (Nasdaq: CREE), a market leader in LED lighting, announces the demonstration of a new 6-inch LED downlight designed for the residential market. The Cree CR6 LED downlight is being shown this week at the 2010 International Builder's Show in Las Vegas.
"By delivering the beautiful warm light created by Cree TrueWhite(TM) technology in an affordable, energy-efficient LED residential fixture, we're providing consumers with an alternative to energy wasting incandescents and the poor color-rendering of compact fluorescent bulbs," said Neal Hunter, President of Cree LED Lighting. "There is no residential LED downlight on the market today that can come close to matching the value and performance of the CR6. This product builds on the success of the award-winning LR6, which has shipped more than 350,000 units to date."
The Cree CR6 LED takes the technology at the heart of the LR6 family and redesigns it to deliver maximum value for residential lighting. The CR6 downlight, planned for availability in mid-2010, is being designed to meet ENERGY STAR(R) criteria and for an end user price of approximately $60.
As demonstrated in residential applications at the Builder's Show, Cree TrueWhite technology can deliver the warm light and beautiful color rendering that consumers should expect from energy-efficient lighting.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-20 07:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
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